Perimeter Garage Doors: Servicios de Apertura de Puertas de Garaje

Servicios de Apertura de Puertas de Garaje

La vida útil promedio de un abridor de puertas de garaje es de 10 a 15 años. Por supuesto, a veces esto no es así. El daño o situaciones extremas pueden llevarte a buscar una nueva puerta de garaje más pronto. ¡Por suerte, estás en el lugar correcto!

Los abridores de puertas de garaje facilitan la vida para todos. Y vivir sin uno puede hacerte darte cuenta rápidamente del impacto que tuvo en tu vida diaria. ¡Así que no demores en reparar o reemplazar tu abridor de puertas de garaje! Llama a Perimeter hoy mismo al 770-809-9793 para comenzar.

¿Necesitas un Abridor para Puertas de Garaje?

Si tu abridor de garaje actual está actuando de manera diferente, ha dejado de funcionar o no está funcionando correctamente, puede ser el momento de conseguir uno nuevo. Y si aún no tienes uno, ¿a qué estás esperando?

Si no estás seguro acerca de una posible reparación, un técnico puede evaluar el abridor de puertas de garaje para darte una idea de la mejor solución. Perimeter Garage Doors siempre está dispuesto a ayudar a los residentes del Oeste de Georgia con sus necesidades de puertas de garaje. ¡Contáctanos hoy mismo para comenzar!

Características de los Abridores de Puertas de Garaje

Los abridores de puertas de garaje más nuevos cuentan con muchas características que los clientes encuentran beneficiosas. Estas características no solo brindan niveles de seguridad más altos, sino que también les brindan tranquilidad. Lee acerca de las características de los abridores de puertas de garaje en Perimeter Garage Doors:

Conexión Remota

¿En el trabajo y no estás seguro si cerraste la puerta del garaje? ¡No te preocupes! Con una conexión remota, puedes verificar tu garaje a través de una aplicación. Los abridores de puertas de garaje de Perimeter cuentan con esta funcionalidad a través de la aplicación inteligente myQⓇ.

Muchas aplicaciones móviles permiten a los usuarios controlar sus puertas de garaje, programar períodos de bloqueo y desbloquear o bloquear el garaje cuando están fuera de casa.

Cámaras Incorporadas

Puedes ver todo lo que sucede con las cámaras incorporadas que se utilizan para conectar a los usuarios a través de la aplicación móvil. Esto permite a los usuarios recibir alertas instantáneas si alguien manipula la puerta del garaje. Y considerando que muchos robos comienzan con el garaje, esta es una excelente característica de seguridad.

Respaldo de Batería

¿Te preocupa quedarte atrapado en casa si se corta la electricidad? ¡No tienes que preocuparte! Los abridores de puertas de garaje de Perimeter cuentan con respaldos de batería para asegurarte de que puedas entrar y salir si hay un corte de energía.

Entregas Seguras

¿Tienes vecinos que suelen apropiarse de los paquetes en la calle? ¡Bueno, un nuevo abridor de puertas de garaje podría ayudarte a asegurarte de que tus paquetes estén a salvo! Nuestros innovadores abridores de puertas de garaje te permiten conectarte con Amazon Key para que tus compras se entreguen de manera segura.

Beneficios de los Abridores de Puertas de Garaje

Seguramente te estarás preguntando por qué los abridores de puertas de garaje son tan populares. No pueden ser tan importantes, ¿verdad? Bueno... lee más acerca de los beneficios de los abridores de puertas de garaje a continuación y decide por ti mismo:

Características de Seguridad

Los abridores de puertas de garaje de hoy en día están equipados con las mejores características de seguridad. Estas ayudan a mantener tu hogar, tus posesiones y tu familia más seguros. Las características de seguridad van desde cambios automáticos de códigos hasta ajustes para cuando estás de vacaciones.


Una de las mayores ventajas de tener un abridor de puertas de garaje es que puedes quedarte en tu vehículo hasta que estés dentro o fuera del garaje. ¡Esto significa que los días de bajarte del auto para abrir y cerrar el garaje han terminado! Esto es especialmente beneficioso en condiciones climáticas extremas o cuando llegas tarde a una cita.

Bajo Consumo de Energía

Las puertas de garaje más nuevas son eficientes en términos de costos y energía. No requieren mucha energía para funcionar y son una excelente opción para aquellos que son conscientes del medio ambiente.

Reversión Automática

Si tienes un abridor de puertas de garaje extremadamente anticuado, es posible que no tengas esta función. La reversión automática asegura que la puerta del garaje no se cierre si alguien o una mascota atraviesa los sensores. Detiene el cierre y revierte la dirección para mantenerla abierta. Esta es una característica esencial para los dueños de mascotas y los padres de niños pequeños.

Características Técnicas

Si no has actualizado tu abridor de puertas de garaje últimamente, ¡te sorprenderá la tecnología actual! Hay muchas características geniales que hacen la vida más fácil. Por ejemplo, la capacidad de ver tu garaje desde una aplicación móvil. Esto permite que muchas personas tengan tranquilidad cuando están lejos de casa.

¿Reparación o Reemplazo de Abridores de Puertas de Garaje?

¿No estás seguro si necesitas una reparación o un reemplazo? No te preocupes, Perimeter puede ayudarte. Nuestro equipo de expertos en puertas de garaje puede evaluar el abridor y determinar la mejor solución. Cada cliente tiene necesidades únicas y trabajamos arduamente para satisfacerlas.

Es una buena idea considerar la edad del abridor de puertas de garaje y otros factores al tomar esta decisión. Por lo tanto, si tienes un abridor antiguo, ha sufrido daños o parece haber dejado de funcionar por completo, es probable que estés buscando un reemplazo. Lee más acerca de las reparaciones a continuación.

Señales de que Necesitas Reparar el Motor de la Puerta de Garaje

Existen algunas señales que indican que quizás solo necesites una reparación para tu puerta de garaje. Si la puerta es difícil de abrir, podría haberse salido de la guía y necesitar un reajuste. Si tarda demasiado en abrirse, podría haber varias cosas diferentes que la afecten y que se pueden solucionar.

¿Tu puerta de garaje se ve torcida o desequilibrada? Esta es otra señal que quizás podamos reparar. Ponte en contacto con Perimeter Garage Doors hoy mismo para comenzar con la evaluación de tu abridor de puertas de garaje.

Preguntas Frecuentes sobre Abridores de Puertas de Garaje:

Muchos clientes tienen las mismas preguntas sobre los abridores de puertas de garaje, así que hemos compilado las siguientes preguntas frecuentes para ayudarte a tomar una decisión más informada sobre tu situación.

¿Qué Tipo de Abridor de Puertas de Garaje Necesito?

Esto depende de varios factores. Lo que desees para tu abridor de puertas de garaje juega un papel importante en el tipo de abridor que elijas. Los abridores completamente accionados por cadena se consideran más seguros y una opción de abridor de puertas de garaje premium. Esta sería una opción sólida para personas que viven en áreas con altos niveles de delincuencia.

Si necesitas un abridor de puertas de garaje extremadamente silencioso, un abridor de correa podría ser la mejor opción. Estos utilizan una correa de goma reforzada con metal para asegurarse de que nadie se vea perturbado cuando se abre la puerta. Estos son comunes en hogares con dormitorios cerca del garaje o en un apartamento encima. Esta también sería una buena opción para familias con miembros que trabajan en diferentes turnos y horarios de sueño variables.

¿Cuánto Cuesta Obtener un Nuevo Abridor de Puertas de Garaje en?

Esta es una pregunta imposible de responder sin más información. El tipo de abridor de puertas de garaje y el material de la puerta del garaje afectarán el precio. La complejidad de la instalación del abridor de puertas de garaje determinará los costos de instalación.

En Perimeter Garage Doors, estaremos encantados de discutir tus necesidades específicas de proyecto y darte un estimado. ¡Contáctanos hoy mismo para comenzar o con cualquier pregunta que puedas tener!

¿Qué Hago Si No Puedo Permitirme un Nuevo Abridor de Puertas de Garaje?

Muchas compañías, incluyendo Perimeter Garage Doors, ofrecen opciones de financiamiento. A menudo, los proyectos que involucran puertas de garaje son costosos. Para ayudar a equilibrar el costo de tu inversión, ofrecemos financiamiento y cupones. Queremos hacer esto lo más asequible y sin problemas posible para ti. ¡Consulta nuestro financiamiento y mira si calificas hoy mismo!

¿Realmente Necesito un Nuevo Abridor de Puertas de Garaje?

Esta es una pregunta que tú debes responder. Sí, las puertas de garaje ofrecen conveniencia y seguridad. Sin embargo, si realmente no te importa bajarte del vehículo para abrir y cerrar las puertas del garaje varias veces cada vez que salgas de casa, entonces quizás no lo necesites.

Ventajas de Contratar a Perimeter Garage Doors

Perimeter Garage Doors ha estado sirviendo a los residentes de todo Georgia desde 2011. Nuestro equipo de técnicos y expertos en puertas de garaje proporciona experiencias excepcionales para cada cliente. Lee más acerca de los beneficios de trabajar con nosotros a continuación:

Negocio Familiar

Perimeter Garage Doors es un negocio familiar. Hemos construido una sólida reputación por nuestra confiabilidad, servicios de alta calidad y experiencia en puertas de garaje. Trabajamos arduamente para satisfacer las necesidades de cada cliente lo más rápido posible.

Como negocio familiar, sabemos lo importantes que son las relaciones. Nos preocupamos por nuestros clientes y nos comunicamos regularmente con ellos para construir confianza. Utilizamos tecnología avanzada para mantener seguros a nuestros clientes con actualizaciones sobre el técnico que los ayuda y el tiempo estimado de llegada.

Empresa Galardonada

En 2022, Perimeter Garage Doors fue nombrada la Mejor de Georgia en la categoría de contratista de puertas de garaje en el Georgia Business Journal. ¡Estamos emocionados de seguir ofreciendo nuestros servicios de primera clase a los residentes de Georgia y te agradecemos por tu negocio!

¡Llama ahora para programar una cita para un nuevo abridor de puertas de garaje!

Perimeter Garage Doors puede ayudarte si necesitas un nuevo abridor de puertas de garaje o una reparación simple o compleja. Nuestro equipo de técnicos tiene experiencia en muchos tipos de materiales. Trabajamos con algunas de las mejores marcas de la industria y estamos emocionados de ayudarte con tus necesidades de abridor de puertas de garaje.

Llama hoy mismo para programar tu cita con uno de nuestros técnicos. ¡Esperamos mejorar tus puertas de garaje!

Wayne Dalton Openers in Carrollton, GA

In 2023, Wayne Dalton generated $258+ million, proving the value it provides is noticed by numerous customers. At Perimeter Garage Doors, we see that value and are proud to sell this popular, proven brand of high-quality garage doors and openers. 

Wayne Dalton openers in Carrollton, GA, are one of our top-selling products at Perimeter Garage Doors. If you are on the fence about the brand of garage door or opener you want, we’re here to educate you on the benefits of this top brand. Keep reading to find out more about the company, or contact us to learn more. 

What Are Wayne Dalton Garage Door Openers in Carrollton, GA? 

Wayne Dalton openers are a popular brand of garage door openers that offer various customization options for homeowners and businesses. The brand is known for its high-quality products. It offers innovative and technically advanced garage door solutions for all types of customers. 

How Much Do Wayne Dalton Openers Cost in Carrollton, GA? 

Many factors go into the price of Wayne Dalton garage doors and openers. Those factors include the following: 

There are numerous options available and Wayne Dalton’s website states they work with all budgets. So, no matter what your garage door and opener needs are, there is a Wayne Dalton solution. Contact Perimeter Garage Doors today to set up an appointment to discuss your needs with one of our knowledgeable technicians. 

What Types of Wayne Dalton Doors and Openers Can Residential Customers Get? 

Wayne Dalton offers a big portfolio for residential customers. Their options accommodate numerous styles, colors, and hardware. No matter what your garage door or opener needs, Wayne Dalton has an option! Read more about the choices below: 


Aluminum garage doors are a traditional option that many homeowners choose. This material provides safety and style. Wayne Dalton also offers aluminum security shutters for neighborhoods with high crime levels or traffic to boost security measures. 


Glass garage doors are a trendy, hot option that many homeowners are choosing. While this option was originally best for commercial customers, it has rolled into residential neighborhoods across the US. 

Fiberglass garage doors generally have an aluminum frame and create a modern look for homes. Wayne Dalton doors are fully customizable, so you can create whatever look you want to boost your curb appeal! 


Wayne Dalton wood garage doors provide a stylish, classic look for homes. The brand offers a large portfolio of wood options that fit with various architectural designs. Wood doors through the company are real wood and custom-designed by artisans. 


Steel doors are a low-maintenance, high-quality option that many homeowners love. Steel doors provide high security while remaining stylish and chic. There are many options available for steel doors, so contact Perimeter Garage Doors today if this is the option you want! 


Vinyl doors are a great option for homeowners who don’t want to spend a lot of time maintaining garage doors. They utilize UV-resistant vinyl to stay strong in any climate. Contact Perimeter today to discuss if vinyl doors are the best option for you. 

What Types of Wayne Dalton Doors and Openers Can Commercial Customers Get? 

Wayne Dalton’s commercial portfolio is extensive. No matter what your garage door needs, we can customize the solution to fit your commercial building’s needs. Read more about the options below: 


High-speed doors at Wayne Dalton come in fabric, metal, and rubber options. These doors are for indoor and outdoor use. Made with durable materials, these doors feature breakaway technologies and are designed to repair. 


Wayne Dalton offers several rolling door options for commercial customers. Those include: 

No matter your need, Perimeter can help you choose the best Wayne Dalton door for your business. 


Sectional steel doors by Wayne Dalton can be tailored to meet any specification. These doors are thermal and durable so you don’t have to worry about if they’ll last. The options for these include the following: 

Dock Equipment 

Wayne Dalton manufactures several pieces of dock equipment to keep your business running smoothly. The options available for dock equipment include: 

Self-Storage Solutions

Wayne Dalton offers a pre-engineered self-storage solution. This design is for climate-controlled, indoor storage units. This full-service option provides everything someone needs to create a profitable self-storage business, including: 

Why Are Wayne Dalton Openers Superior? 

Wayne Dalton partners with Genie to provide a superior garage door opener. They offer residential and commercial door opener options. Both brands are known for high levels of reliability and quality. When you choose Wayne Dalton, you choose a solution that will last. These door openers are durable and easy to use. 

Benefits of Wayne Dalton Garage Doors in Carrollton, GA:

As one of the top, trusted garage door brands, Wayne Dalton offers a whole host of benefits. Their products are superior in many ways, which we’ve outlined below. At Perimeter, we are excited to serve as a dealer for this outstanding brand. Read more about them below:

Trusted Brand 

Wayne Dalton is a trusted, industry-leading garage door and opener supplier. They have a team of 2,000+ members across 65 locations that provide support and service to dealers. Their team of experts helps to find the best fit, material, and model to meet your unique needs. 

Wide Range of Commercial and Residential Options 

Residential customers have a large portfolio of doors to choose from. Wayne Dalton also provides U-factor ratings and R-values to help customers meet their insulation needs. With various customization options, Wayne Dalton allows residential customers to design their dream garage doors that match the style of their homes. 

Commercial customers also have an extensive portfolio of products to choose from. Wayne Dalton designs commercial doors for longevity and superior strength. Commercial doors are created to perform well no matter the materials chosen. 

Numerous Customization Options 

Wayne Dalton has a color system that has 6,000 options to offer residential and commercial customers. The company offers a range of door material options, an exclusive color balance system, and an extensive portfolio of garage door and opener models. Customers don’t have any problems with finding the right fit because they can simply create it when using Wayne Dalton products. 

A Proud Member of the DASMA TPV Program

The DASMA Thermal Performance Verification Program is a voluntary program that companies can join to certify that thermal efforts meet standards through third-party inspections and testing. Through this program, Wayne Dalton has proven its products are at the forefront of industry standards. 

Wayne Dalton joined the program to showcase their unwavering dedication to product quality, innovation, and precision. The company strives to build trust while providing a superior experience for each customer. 

Advantages of Working With Perimeter Garage Doors in Carrollton, GA: 

Perimeter Garage Door is a proud dealer of Wayne Dalton products. Not only do you get a high-quality brand, but you receive outstanding, dedicated service. We aim to ensure customer satisfaction with each project. Read more about the advantages of working with us below: 

Years of Professional Experience 

Since 2011, Perimeter Garage Doors has provided garage door installation, maintenance, and repair services for Georgia residents. As a family-owned company, we care about our customers. Perimeter has built a positive reputation for our outstanding services and high-quality products. 

Financial Assistance and Coupons Available 

We know investing in new garage doors can be an investment. That’s why we’ve partnered with Wisetack to offer financing options for qualified customers. Eligible individuals can apply and receive up to $25,000 in financing. To get started, fill out the form and we’ll handle the rest. 

Do you need new garage doors because of an incident or weather disaster? We can help you file an insurance claim. We also offer coupons to help offset the costs of your new investment! 

Committed to Service Excellence 

Our customers are our priority. At Perimeter, we strive to create a memorable, seamless experience for each customer. We utilize current technologies to make our customers feel safe. For example, before each appointment, customers will receive a text and a picture of their technician so they know who to look for. We want each customer to feel safe and valued. 

Hire Perimeter for Your Wayne Dalton Openers in Carrollton, GA

Don’t delay upgrading to Wayne Dalton garage openers! Perimeter Garage Doors is here to assist with customizing your selection so it fits your unique needs. Our team of qualified technicians is eager to guide you through the process and manage your project so you have peace of mind in your choice. Contact us today to discuss your needs with our talented team.

iDrive Garage Door Opener Repair in Carrollton, GA

The average garage door opener lasts for 10-20 years, depending on maintenance practices, type of door opener, and usage. Of course, this doesn’t take into consideration the fact that technology advances quickly and garage door openers are no exception. Many people consider upgrading before the door’s lifespan because of this.

When contemplating a revamp, many people consider the iDrive garage door opener. Manufactured by Wayne Dalton, the iDrive door opener is well-known for its reliability, performance, and smart capabilities.

If you’re in the market for an updated garage door opener in Carrollton, GA, and are considering the iDrive, you’ve found the right page. Keep reading to learn more about the amazing features or contact us to get started.

What Is an iDrive Opener in Carrollton, GA?

The iDrive opener is a Wayne Dalton product that is an industry leader. The product has a trusted reputation as a reliable, high-performing, and durable garage door opener. Newer models use smart technology to offer a range of features for garage owners.

Older versions of this product can easily be adapted into a smart device with an ismartgate. An ismartgate device transforms an iDrive into a smart device with numerous features, including phone remote control and monitoring. For people who are eager to get a technologically advanced garage door opener but are unsure about the investment, the iDrive and ismartgate are great solutions.

About Wayne Dalton Products

Wayne Dalton is a trusted brand in the garage door industry. They manufacture and distribute top-of-the-line products that are superior to many competitors. With more than 2,000 employees located in 65 locations, the brand offers outstanding support to dealers.

Features of an iDrive Garage Door Opener in Carrollton, GA:

The first iDrive opener was launched in 2002 with some of the top technology at the time. Over the years, the product has expanded and advanced into new and improved versions. Read more about the features of this top-notch garage door opener below:

Industry-Leading Design

The iDrive is a self-contained box that owners mount above the door. Since there isn’t anything mounted on the garage door, there is less stress on it. This helps to reduce door failure and provides a cleaner, smoother look.

iDrive door openers are quieter than those that attach to the door. Since it is mounted separately, this eliminates vibrations and noise when the door is opened.

The iDrive device also has a soft start and stop option. This lessens the wear and tear on the door with slower opening and closing movements. It also reduces jolting noises often associated with a garage door opening or closing.

Top Safety and Security Components

There are many safety features with the iDrive garage door opener. These include:

The door opener also has smart sensors to detect if there is movement while the door is moving. This helps to protect you, your family, and pets from potential danger.

Fast Performance

Newer iDrive devices are incredibly fast. The product has been known for its speed since its inception, but that continues to advance with technology changes. Depending on the product type, garage owners can expect their doors to open between 8 to 10 inches per second.

Exclusive Accessories and Options

Smart garage openers often integrate with other smart devices, such as an Alexa or a Google Home. This allows for hands-free control, a great option for busy individuals who have a million things to balance at once.

Many users create schedules for when to open and close their garage door. This option can free up time before and after work.

Phone Control

An iDrive opener can be controlled by your phone or tablet. The application allows users to open or close the garage door with a single tap. This is an especially beneficial feature for people with a lot of deliveries or who travel often.

If you need to open the door for a FedEx or UPS driver, you can quickly do so from the office. When traveling, you don’t have to be concerned with giving someone your house key or other forms of access to your home. The app allows you to let in pet sitters, cleaners, or anyone else you need to.

Some versions of the iDrive enable users to control other smart devices, such as lights or other electronics, from the same application.

Real-Time Monitoring

The application allows remote viewing. This enables homeowners to monitor their garages at any time from anywhere in the world. You can have peace of mind when traveling with a smart iDrive opener.

Instant Alerts and Notifications

With a smart garage door opener, homeowners get instant alerts and notifications if the garage door is opened. This helps homeowners quickly identify potential crimes. It is also a great way for parents to monitor what their children are up to.

How Perimeter Garage Doors Supports iDrive Garage Openers in Carrollton, GA:

At Perimeter Garage Doors, we are huge champions of Wayne Dalton products, including the iDrive. We are knowledgeable about the brand and can help with your needs, including the following:

Repair Services

The team at Perimeter Garage Doors is well-versed in garage door and opener repairs. Many people think a malfunctioning door or opener means it’s time to replace the product. But this isn’t always the case.

At Perimeter, we strive to save you money when possible! We always repair instead of replace when possible. We are proud distributors of the Wayne Dalton brand and are ready to help with your repairs!


When installing or repairing, we also provide iDrive garage door opener programming. Programming a new door opener or reprogramming an existing one can quickly become a frustrating experience. At Perimeter Garage Doors, we take that burden off of you and tackle the headache.

We’ll also ensure the iDrive is the appropriate type of opener for your garage. If not, we’ll recommend changes or improvements to ensure you achieve full functionality.


Garage door and opener maintenance is essential if you want to prolong the life of your equipment. Perimeter Garage Doors offers maintenance services to keep your doors and opener working correctly for years to come. Many potentially costly or disastrous issues are found during maintenance inspections, saving our customers tons of money.

Benefits of Hiring Perimeter Garage Doors for Your iDrive Garage Door Opener Repair Needs:

You may know of our company or be a brand new visitor to our site. No matter how you got here, you’re probably wondering why you should choose our company for your iDrive garage door opener needs. We’ve listed the advantages of working with our company below:

Family-Owned and Operated Business

Since 2011, Perimeter Garage Doors has served residents in Georgia with their garage door installation, repair, and maintenance needs. Owned and operated by a father-son duo, Perimeter has a solid reputation for providing exceptional services as one of the best servicing and installation companies in the area.

We see each interaction as an opportunity to build confidence and trust with our customers. We do this by facilitating a warm, open, and safe experience. We would love to help you with your iDrive opener or other garage door needs, so contact Perimeter Garage Doors today.

Financing and Coupon Options

We understand some customers face difficulties with funding their garage projects. That’s why we’ve partnered with Wisestack to offer financing options for eligible customers. Check out this page to understand more and start your application.

We also help customers file claims with insurance companies and offer coupons. Don’t let money concerns stop you from your garage upgrades. Please reach out with any questions! We would love to help you find a solution and help with your iDrive project.

Customer-Centered Approach

Our customers’ satisfaction is our priority. We strive to deliver outstanding experiences during each interaction. We are here for our customers should any issues arise after the project is complete, so you can ensure you’re receiving high-quality products and services.

As a well-established company in the community, we take pride in putting our customer’s needs and safety first. We use various technologies to give customers peace of mind, such as text updates regarding arrival times and the technician assigned to your project.

Contact Perimeter Garage Doors for Your iDrive Opener in Carrollton, GA

Are you interested in an iDrive garage door opener? You’re in the right place! At Perimeter Garage Doors, we have the knowledge and experience you need to upgrade your existing garage door opener. Our team of qualified technicians is available to answer your questions or initiate your project when you’re ready.

What are you waiting for? There are many benefits of the iDrive garage door opener, as we listed above, so why not get them started now? Contact us today! We look forward to hearing from you and helping with your project.

Empresa de Instalación y Reparación de Puertas de Garaje

¡Elija Perimeter Garage Doors para su próxima reparación o instalación de puerta garaje!

La industria de las puertas de garaje ha experimentado un crecimiento constante del 1.4% año tras año desde 2017. Cada vez más hogares y negocios tienen puertas de garaje, lo que ha llevado a una expansión del mercado. Con más clientes y empresas que nunca, seguramente te estés preguntando cuál es la mejor opción para tus puertas de garaje y qué empresa puede brindar los servicios de mayor calidad. Si estás buscando instalación y reparación de puertas de garaje, estás en el lugar correcto.

Perimeter Puertas de Garaje es un miembro fundamental de la comunidad de Oeste de Georgia. Tenemos un enfoque centrado en el servicio para garantizar la satisfacción de cada cliente. Llámanos hoy al 770-809-9793 para comenzar con la instalación o reparación de tu puerta de garaje.

Instalación de Puertas de Garaje

¿Estás buscando instalación de puertas de garaje? ¡Nosotros nos encargamos! Perimeter Puertas de Garaje ofrece una variedad de puertas nuevas en varios colores, materiales y estilos. Nos asociamos con las principales marcas de puertas de garaje de la industria para tener un inventario sólido de estilos únicos y duraderos. Lee más acerca de cada uno a continuación:


A muchos propietarios les gustan las puertas de garaje de acero debido a su asequibilidad y diseño de alta calidad. Cada modelo es único, pero algunos incluyen aislamiento. Esta opción duradera tiene la apariencia de madera pero en realidad son paneles de acero de calibre 24 con un acabado de poliéster horneado de dos capas.

Estilo de Carroza

Si quieres agregar atractivo visual, ¡las puertas estilo carroza pueden ser exactamente lo que necesitas! Estas puertas tienen dos capas de acero, DecaTrim II y una capa de aislamiento. Este tipo de puerta de garaje tiene varios estilos para elegir.


¿Buscas un aspecto más moderno? Las puertas de vidrio pueden ser tu mejor opción. Estas elegantes puertas vienen en varios estilos de vidrio con marcos de metal, recubrimiento en polvo, pintura y un acabado anodizado.

Entrada Peatonal

Las puertas de garaje con entrada peatonal son populares tanto para hogares como para negocios. Estas puertas ofrecen muchas ventajas y características que muchas personas encuentran deseables para un garaje funcional, incluyendo altos niveles de privacidad.

Madera Real y Falsa

Las puertas de garaje de madera real y falsa utilizan fibra de vidrio para cubrir una puerta simulada de madera. Esto crea la ilusión de madera con mucho menos mantenimiento y una vida útil más larga de la puerta de garaje.


Una puerta de aluminio puede ser una opción sólida si estás listo para darle a tu hogar un aspecto actualizado. Esta puerta de estilo contemporáneo combina aluminio y vidrio para permitir que la luz natural entre durante el día y crear un resplandor interior por la noche. ¡También hay paneles de aluminio sólidos como opción!

Reparación de Puertas de Garaje en

¿Tienes una puerta de garaje relativamente nueva que está dando problemas? ¡Perimeter Garage Doors puede ayudar! Ofrecemos una variedad de servicios de reparación. A continuación, se encuentran los problemas más comunes que reparamos:

Problemas al Cerrar la Puerta

¿Tienes una puerta de garaje que no se cierra? O tal vez se cierra, pero no del todo correctamente. ¡Podemos solucionar este problema! Generalmente, se debe a un desalineamiento. Podemos reparar o reemplazar las guías para que tus puertas de garaje funcionen correctamente.

Problemas con el Abrepuertas

A veces, las puertas de garaje tienen problemas porque el abrepuertas está defectuoso. Puede ser cualquier cosa, desde una batería descargada hasta un problema con el transmisor. Perimeter Garage Doors tiene amplios conocimientos en abrepuertas de garaje y puede solucionarlo en poco tiempo.

Muelles Rotos

Un muelle roto o desgastado puede afectar el funcionamiento de tus puertas de garaje. Hará que no se abran o cierren correctamente. A veces, los muelles rotos son evidentes porque los puedes ver colgando, mientras que en otros casos no son tan obvios. Generalmente, si escuchas un fuerte estallido como un petardo, es posible que tengas un muelle roto.

Rodamientos o Rodillos Desgastados

Cuando las puertas de garaje se usan mucho o son más antiguas, los rodamientos o rodillos se desgastan. La suciedad, los desechos y otros contaminantes también pueden alojarse en ellos, causando problemas. Perimeter Garage Doors tiene experiencia en identificar y resolver problemas con los rodamientos o rodillos.

No importa cuál sea el problema que estés experimentando con tu puerta de garaje, nuestro equipo de profesionales está listo para brindarte un servicio confiable y solucionar cualquier inconveniente para que puedas disfrutar de un funcionamiento óptimo de tu puerta de garaje.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre la instalación y reparación de puertas de garaje

¿Todavía tienes curiosidad sobre la instalación y reparación de puertas de garaje? Hemos respondido las siguientes preguntas que muchos clientes nos hacen sobre nuestros servicios:

¿Cuánto cuesta reparar una puerta de garaje?

El costo de reparar una puerta de garaje varía. Algunos factores influyen en el precio, como el tipo de puerta, la magnitud del daño y el tamaño del garaje. Entendemos lo intimidante que puede ser tener un problema con la puerta de garaje y no saber cuánto costará arreglarlo. Por eso, en Perimeter Garage Doors ofrecemos estimados gratuitos. Nos acercaremos, evaluaremos la situación y te proporcionaremos un estimado sin ningún compromiso. Llámanos hoy mismo al 770-809-9793 para solicitar una cita.

¿Cuánto cuesta instalar puertas de garaje?

El costo de instalar nuevas puertas de garaje depende del tamaño del garaje, el tipo de material utilizado, el estilo de la puerta y la complejidad del proyecto. Perimeter Garage Doors también ofrece estimados gratuitos para nuevas instalaciones. ¿Qué esperas? ¡Contáctanos hoy mismo para saber cuánto costará tener tus nuevas puertas de garaje!

Además, ofrecemos cupones y opciones de financiamiento para clientes calificados. Obtener nuevas puertas de garaje es una inversión. Si los daños están cubiertos por tu seguro, ¡te ayudaremos a presentar el reclamo!

¿Qué servicios ofrece Perimeter Garage Doors?

Perimeter Garage Doors ofrece instalación, mantenimiento y reparación de puertas de garaje. Instalaremos nuevas puertas de garaje comerciales o residenciales para clientes en Georgia. Nuestros servicios de reparación abarcan todos los problemas de las puertas de garaje, incluyendo los siguientes:

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de contratar profesionales para las puertas de garaje?

Hay muchos beneficios en contratar profesionales para tus reparaciones e instalaciones de puertas de garaje. En primer lugar, los profesionales conocen bien las puertas de garaje. Si tienes un problema, ellos pueden identificar y resolver rápidamente sin perder horas tratando de entenderlo.

En segundo lugar, los profesionales cumplen con estándares de calidad y requisitos locales de códigos de construcción. Trabajar con una empresa profesional asegurará que tu proyecto se complete correctamente. El trabajo generalmente está asegurado y a veces viene con una garantía.

En tercer lugar, contratar instaladores y reparadores profesionales de puertas de garaje puede ahorrarte dinero. Cuando los clientes intentan abordar el proyecto por sí mismos, a menudo gastan más dinero de lo necesario. Y a veces, no funciona y terminan llamando a un profesional al final. Eso significa que han desperdiciado mucho tiempo, dinero y energía.

¡Tu tiempo es valioso! Ponte en contacto con Perimeter Garage Doors y permítenos completar el proyecto de manera rápida y correcta para ti. A menos que seas un reparador experimentado, un profesional es probablemente tu solución más rentable.

¿Por qué debería elegir puertas de garaje perimetrales?

Desde 2011, Perimeter Garage Doors ha brindado servicio a clientes en Georgia con sus necesidades de instalación, reparación y mantenimiento de puertas de garaje. Como empresa local de propiedad familiar, ofrecemos muchos beneficios a nuestros clientes. Lee más a continuación:

Años de experiencia profesional

En Perimeter Garage Doors, nuestros clientes son una prioridad. Abordamos cada interacción con una mentalidad centrada en el cliente, dedicada a encontrar la mejor solución que satisfaga sus necesidades. La seguridad de los clientes es lo más importante, por lo que utilizamos varias tecnologías y herramientas para garantizar que siempre se les notifique quién vendrá a su hogar, cuándo estarán allí y cómo lucen. Queremos que cada cliente se sienta cómodo al trabajar con Perimeter Garage Doors.

Nuestro equipo está compuesto principalmente por un dúo padre-hijo, pero contamos con varios técnicos con licencia para brindar asistencia. Nos enorgullece nuestra participación en la comunidad y nuestros servicios de alta calidad. ¡No te decepcionarás al contratar a Perimeter Garage Doors!

Opciones de financiamiento

La instalación o reparación de puertas de garaje a menudo es una inversión para la cual los clientes no están preparados. Entendemos las limitaciones presupuestarias, por lo que ofrecemos varias opciones de financiamiento para nuestros clientes. Los clientes pueden solicitar financiamiento a través de Wisestack por hasta $25,000 para proyectos más grandes. También ofrecemos cupones y podemos ayudar a los clientes a presentar reclamos de seguros.

Instalación y reparación de puertas de garaje galardonada

Georgia Business Journal nombró a Perimeter Garage Doors como el Mejor de Georgia en la categoría de contratistas de puertas de garaje en 2021. Este honor se debe a que nuestros destacados clientes votaron por nuestra empresa debido a nuestra profesionalidad, servicio rápido y preciso, y compromiso con la excelencia.

Sabemos lo frustrante que es contratar a alguien para un trabajo incompleto o incorrecto. Nunca haremos eso a nuestros clientes. La precisión es esencial en Perimeter Garage Doors. Hacemos las cosas bien la primera vez, para que no tengas que pasar más tiempo del necesario resolviendo tu problema con la puerta de garaje.

Llame hoy para comenzar con Perimeter Garage Doors!

¡Ya sea que necesites la instalación de nuevas puertas de garaje o la reparación de tu equipo existente, Perimeter Garage Doors tiene la experiencia que necesitas! Nuestros profesionales experimentados y dedicados están listos para ayudarte con las mejoras de tu garaje. Llámanos hoy mismo o completa este formulario para comenzar. ¡Esperamos poder servirte!

Overhead Doors in Carrollton, GA

The average lifespan of a garage door is 10 to 15 years…whether you have a residential or a commercial building, you may be thinking about the inevitable replacement of your overhead doors. But where do you start? 

Depending on your building type, there are various garage door materials and styles to choose from. When choosing, it’s important to consider the property’s value, the desired function of the overhead doors, and the wanted style. 

At Perimeter Garage Doors in Carrollton, GA, we can help guide you through the process and choose the best fit for your home or commercial building. Contact us today to get started. 

What Are Overhead Doors in Carrollton, GA?  

Overhead doors are garage doors that open upward from the ground. Overhead doors may swing or roll upward, have manual or automatic rollers, and single or multiple panels. Overhead garage doors are popular for residential and commercial properties. The most common businesses that use overhead doors include: 

Overhead doors function the same as any other garage door. They are meant to protect what’s inside from intruders and nature. 

Types and Styles of Overhead Garage Doors in Carrollton, GA 

There are numerous types and styles of overhead doors available. The choices may be overwhelming, but they don’t have to be! Some of the most common door styles include the following: 

Perimeter Garage Doors can help you pick the most appropriate style and type for your building. Keep reading to learn more about the three most popular styles: 

Single-Panel Garage Doors 

A single-panel garage door uses one piece of material across the entire door. Single-panel doors come in various materials and open upwards on an overhead track that keeps the door horizontal when open. 

Sectional Garage Doors 

A more traditional garage door is a sectional or multi-panel door. These doors have four paneled sections that roll upward on a rounded track until they are parallel to the ceiling. Most current garage doors are sectional doors. 

Roller Overhead Garage Doors 

Roller garage doors are most commonly used in commercial buildings. Roller doors do just that; they roll up into the door frame, eliminating the need for an overhead track. Roller overhead doors are heavy-duty and durable. 

Materials Used for Overhead Doors in Carrollton, GA: 

Overhead doors come in several materials. Each property has unique garage door needs, so one material isn’t necessarily better than another. The most commonly used materials for overhead doors include the following: 

It’s critical you speak to a professional if you are unsure of the best material for your building. Perimeter Garage Doors would love to help you choose! Contact us to speak to one of our qualified team members. 

Important Considerations for Commercial Overhead Doors: 

Numerous factors play into choosing the best overhead doors for a commercial building. When looking for new doors, consider the following: 


An insulated garage door can help control heating and cooling bills. A garage door with a higher R-rating is more costly upfront but saves business owners tons of money over time. Energy costs are rising, so consider investing in this valuable feature for your overhead doors. 


Some styles have more airtightness than others, which can impact air filtration. This, in turn, impacts the door’s thermal resistance. Overhead doors with a properly designed thermal break can help with energy savings. 

Outer Skin Thickness 

A thicker outer skin enhances the safety of the door. It strengthens the door panel and creates a thicker layer to prevent punctures. Overhead doors come in various materials, so the thickness of each will depend on that. 

Panel Design 

A poorly designed panel can reduce the safety and effectiveness of the door. Hiring a professional to design and install your overhead doors is highly recommended to prevent poor designs that leave the panels unsupported or ineffective. 

Hardware Components 

Proper hardware is vital if you want the overhead door to function correctly. An overhead door without the appropriate hardware components is dangerous to people, objects, and animals. Improper hardware can also damage the door itself, meaning you would pay additional fees. 


Some overhead doors have windows to increase natural light. This is a common design feature, but it is essential to consider the functionality of the overhead door when choosing a style with windows. Is it meant to be a security barrier? Windows should be placed properly to prevent intruders, if so. 

Carrollton Overhead Doors FAQs: 

Many customers have the same questions about overhead doors. In this FAQ section, please find the answers to those questions to help guide your decision-making for new overhead doors. 

Insulated vs. Non-Insulated: Which Do I Need? 

We will always recommend insulated overhead doors over non-insulated doors. Insulation helps to reduce energy costs. While purchasing an overhead door with thicker insulation is a higher investment, we strongly recommend clients do so to save them money in the long term. 

If you have questions about insulation and R-ratings, Perimeter Garage Doors is happy to answer them. Get in touch to speak to our team! 

How Much Do Overhead Garage Doors Cost? 

Numerous factors play into the cost of overhead doors. The size, materials used, style, and more are all important considerations when determining the cost. You would need to speak to a professional about the options for an accurate quote. Perimeter Garage Doors is happy to provide a quote; contact us today to get started. 

How Long Does an Overhead Garage Door Last? 

Garage doors last anywhere between 10 and 20 years, with the average being 10 to 15. However, home and business owners can increase the longevity of their overhead doors in many ways. Overhead doors that receive regular maintenance and repair tend to last much longer than those without. 

What Sizes Do Overhead Garage Doors Come In? 

Overhead garage doors come in all sizes. Most materials can be custom-sized to meet the buyer's unique needs. We recommend you speak to a professional before sizing a garage door because we wouldn’t want you to waste money on a garage door that won’t fit. Contact Perimeter Garage Doors today to get help with sizing your new overhead doors. 

Why Perimeter Garage Doors for Your Overhead Doors in Carrollton, GA? 

You’re probably curious about why you should choose Perimeter Garage Doors for your overhead door needs. There are many advantages to working with our company, which we’ve outlined for you below: 

Years of Experience 

Perimeter Garage Doors is a family-owned company that launched in 2011. During our decade-plus of serving Georgia, we have built a strong reputation for offering the best garage door installation and repair services in the area. 


We understand new overhead doors are an investment for many of our customers. We’ve partnered with Wisestack to offer eligible customers up to $25,000 in financing. Wisestack offers six payment plan options! The application is a breeze; simply start it here, and we’ll do the rest. 

We also regularly offer coupons and deals for customers. We want to make the process seamless for our valuable customers. 

Vast Garage Door Expertise 

With more than 12 years of experience in garage doors, we offer various services. These include: 

Garage Door Installation 

Perimeter Garage Doors offers installation of new garage doors for residential and commercial customers. We help clients pick the best material and style to boost their property’s value, improve curbside appeal, and enhance security.

Garage Door Repair 

Do your existing garage doors need repair or maintenance? Perimeter does that, too! Our team is well-versed in maintaining garage doors to increase their lifespan. We can repair issues before they become costly situations to save our clients money. 

Security Door Installation 

Do you need security doors installed for your commercial or residential building? We can help! We specialize in helping facilities install security doors to prepare for the worst to provide peace of mind for staff, students, parents, and/or customers. 


Are your garage doors outdated? Perimeter Garage Doors can help update them with the newest technology by installing new motors and openers. Not only will these updates make your life easier, but they’ll increase security measures and possibly your property’s value. 

Friendly, Professional Team 

Our dedicated team of technicians is eager to assist our valued customers. We employ highly knowledgeable team members. We utilize current technologies to streamline the process, notifying our customers of when our team will arrive and who will be at the door. We want all of our customers to feel safe and cared for when working with Perimeter Garage Doors. 

Get Started With Perimeter Overhead Doors in Carrollton, GA

Are you ready to get started with overhead doors at your commercial building? If so, Perimeter Garage Doors is here to assist! Our team of qualified technicians is eager to help you select the perfect overhead doors for your facility. Contact us today to get started or if you have questions.

Screen Doors for Garages in Carrollton, GA

Georgia summers are typically humid and hot, with some temperatures over 90 degrees. Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy being outside in a shaded area that keeps out bugs on those days? You can achieve that with screen doors for garages! 

Installing a screen for a garage door can reap many benefits, including energy efficiency and fewer bugs hanging out with you. Perimeter Garage Doors is equipped to install screen doors for garages and is eager to help you with yours! Contact us to book your appointment with us! 

Is a garage screen door right for you? Keep reading to learn more about garage screen doors in Carrollton, GA.

What Is a Garage Screen Door in Carrollton, GA? 

Much like a screen door for your home, a garage screen door keeps certain elements from coming inside the garage, such as bugs. Garage screen doors are popular because they allow homeowners to convert their garage into an enclosed outdoor space that is shaded but still circulates fresh air. 

A garage screen door is a layer of mesh installed on the garage door. It can be opened or closed as the homeowner wishes. Screen doors are especially useful in the summer when the overbearing sun is too hot to sit directly under. 

Types of Garage Screen Doors in Carrollton, GA

There are three main types of garage screen doors. Each of these has the same purpose but is installed slightly differently. Read more about each below: 

Lifestyle Screens 

Lifestyle screens are an extremely popular choice with homeowners. This simple style lets them quickly convert the garage into a pest-free, shaded area. A lifestyle screen is a spring-loaded retractable screen, making it easy to open and close. This style of garage screen door was the first in the industry! 

Side-Sliding Screen Doors 

Side-sliding screen doors operate horizontally instead of vertically. This type of screen door has many style options to choose from. It is also one of the more affordable screen door options for homeowners. 

Zip-Roll Screens

Is manually rolling a screen door every time you want to use it not appealing? Then a motorized one, or a zip-roll screen, might be your best option. These types of screen doors also have weather stripping, making them the more energy-efficient screen door type. 

Are Screen Doors for Garages in Carrollton Worth the Cost? 

While we recommend these for Georgia residents, only you can truly decide if a garage screen door is worth it. Ask yourself these questions if you are uncertain about the investment: 

  1. Do I want an enclosed space with fresh air and minimal bugs? 
  2. Will I use the garage screen door enough to make a good return on my investment? 
  3. Does my budget allow for a garage screen door at this time? 
  4. Do I like the look of a garage screen door? Will it make my home look better curbside? 

Answering the above questions will help guide the decision-making process. In our opinion, a garage screen door can only enhance your home! 

How Much Is Garage Door Screen Installation in Carrollton, GA? 

Many factors impact the price of garage screen door installation. This includes the size of the garage, the type of garage screen you purchase, and the style. If you’d like to speak to one of our knowledgeable technicians, they can evaluate your garage and get you a more detailed estimate. Contact us today to get started! 

Benefits of Garage Screen Doors in Carrollton, GA 

Many Uses 

Did you know a screen door can convert your garage into several rooms? For example: 

Or you can get creative and make it into something completely different! The options are endless. 

Energy Efficiency 

Some garage door screens can boost your energy efficiency. Not only can you transform your garage into a new space, but you can also help the environment while you’re at it. Green-conscious homeowners can rest easy knowing there are energy-efficient screen door options available. 

Pest Control 

Garage screen doors help keep out pests. In Georgia summers, everyone knows bugs are a nuance that no one can escape. A garage screen door is a great option to prevent the onslaught of bugs every time you step outside. It allows you to enjoy the outdoors without those pesky pests. 

Garage Door Longevity 

A garage screen door allows you to keep your garage open without having to open and close it as often as someone without a screen door. This will help keep the garage door from having a longer lifespan. 

Climate Protection

A garage screen door will keep the outside elements at bay. It prevents dust, pollutants, dirt, rain, and more from entering the garage. This allows homeowners to enjoy the outdoors in an enclosed space in all climates. 

How Do I Maintain My Garage Door Screens in Carrollton, GA? 

We recommend you regularly check the operation of your screen door. Is it opening and closing correctly? Do you see anything off about it? Catching issues early can reduce a costly replacement down the line. Other ways to maintain your screen doors are outlined below: 

Clean the Track

Dirt tends to gather in the track of screen doors, so we recommend you clean this monthly. This will prolong the life of your garage screen door. 

Mesh Cleaning

The mesh part of the screen door can gather dirt and dust in the spaces. We recommend cleaning this with a vacuum to ensure it doesn’t build up and clog the screen door. 

Annual Maintenance 

Just like your garage door, a screen door will require yearly maintenance. Think of it like a check-up at the doctor, a yearly evaluation will ensure it remains working for years to come. 

What To Look For When Buying a Screen for a Garage Door in Carrollton, GA 

You shouldn’t just run out and pick the first garage door screen you find! There are a few considerations to weigh when choosing one, which we’ve outlined below: 


Before choosing a garage screen door, we recommend you set a budget. This will help steer the decision-making process and allow you to only look at options you can afford. For example, you wouldn’t want to get your heart set on a motorized screen if that’s not an option with your budget.


Depending on the size of your garage, one option may be better than another. It’s important to consider the size of your garage because of this. You wouldn’t want to choose a screen door that won’t work properly with your garage type. 

Material and Style

Curb appeal is important if you ever decide to sell your home, so you want to ensure the material and style you choose will match your home’s style. At Perimeter Garage Doors, we are well-versed in all things garage doors and can help you make the best decision for your home. 


If you live in a high-crime area, consider a screen door with a locking option. This is an extra layer of security that will help protect your home. Those with small children or brilliant dogs may also want this type of screen door. 

Why Perimeter Garage Doors in Carrollton, GA? 

Perimeter Garage Doors is here for our Georgia customers. We have a talented, knowledgeable team that puts your needs first. There are several benefits of working with us for your garage screen door needs, which we’ve outlined below: 

Affordable Services 

Being a garage owner can be costly, so we offer affordable pricing, coupons, and financing options. We’ll also submit insurance claims on your behalf and help you navigate the process if applicable. 

Perimeter Garage Doors partners with Wisestack to offer eligible customers up to $25,000 in financing. Visit this page to start your application; we’ll take it from there! Check out our coupons page to see great deals for our valuable customers. 

Knowledgeable Technicians 

We care about our customers and ensure our technicians know what garage doors are inside and out. We utilize top technologies to make the process seamless for our customers, giving them peace of mind and a smooth experience. 

Years of Professionalism

Launched in 2011, Perimeter Garage Doors has assisted Georgia residents with their garage door needs for over a decade. Our family-owned and operated business has built a solid reputation for our exceptional customer service and high-quality services. 

Award-Winning Service Delivery 

Perimeter Garage Doors was named The Best of Georgia in 2022 for the garage door contractors category. We know this is due to our loyal customers and outstanding service delivery. We value our community, and thank you for the support shown! We’d love to add you to our satisfied customer list. 

Get Screens for Your Garage Doors With Perimeter Garage Doors in Carrollton, GA

The search for screen doors for your garage can stop now! Perimeter Garage Doors is eager to help you get the screens of your dreams. Our team of professionals is well-versed in the varying types and materials to help you choose the best for your garage. 

If you are ready to get started, reach out today to schedule your appointment. We look forward to helping you with your garage needs soon!